Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Costume Sketches for a Movie

These are a few sketches I did for costumes that will be done for a Jordanian feature film called Line Of Sight.
I did these with the help of a few figures chosen from a huge archive of models in different poses on Posemaniacs an invaluable site for artists


  1. ciao Jamila, simpatici e ben caratterizzati i tuoi personaggi. Viene quasi voglia di dare un nome a ciascuno.
    I Try in english: nice and with personality your
    people. They inspire to give them a name everyone.
    I Hope it is right. Ciao, ciao, Floriana

  2. thank you Floriana... I appreciate your dropping by... and your kind comment

  3. Hi Myra how are you? thank you for dropping by... I am so pleased you like these sketches


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